In this post I will describe the Harvard Step Test method that can be used to measure physical fitness and body performance. You might also see other names for this test such as Gallagher and Brouha Test or Fitness Index. This test can be a good tool for someone who starts to run and want to see progress and how their body changes over the time but also to see fitness for advanced runners.

Harvard Step Test requires the measurement of pulse rate after exercise, this data can be used to determine level of fitness. This is directly linked with the efficiency of your cardiovascular system. The idea behind it that by measuring the pulse rate after exercise the recovery time can be measured and level of fitness judged.


In this test you step on and off the step (or bench) of 18 inches (45 cm) high for males and 16 inches (40 cm) high for females at a rate of 30 steps per minute for 3-5 minutes. You should try to finish the full length time of this exercise (3-5 minutes). To practice the Harvard Test let’s see the picture above.

Gambar 1

Tools   : Bench ( 18 inch for males / 16 inch for females ), stop watch, metronome


  1. Mula mula tester berdiri didepan Bench / Bangku dengan salah satu kaki berada di atas bangku.
  2. Saat ada aba-aba “Ya”/ Peluit, Tester melakukan gerakan naik turun bangku ( Lihat Gambar 1).
  3. Lakukan gerakan tersebut selama 3-5 menit (menyesuaikan kebutuhan) dengan kecepatan 30 step / menit (gunakan metronome untuk mengukur kecepatan langkah)
  4. Pencatatan dilakukan dalam tiga periode : 30 menit setelah istirahat pertama, 30 menit setelah istirahat kedua, 30 menit setelah istirahat ketiga.

Untuk menafsirkan  hasil tes dapat digunakan rumus sebagai berikut :

a.  Long Form ( Fitness Index I )

Norma : [ <54 : Jelek ];[ 55 – 64 : Kurang ];[ 65 – 79 : Sedang ];[ 80 – 89 : Baik ];[ >90 : Baik Sekali ]

b.  Short Form ( Fitness Index II )

Pencatatan denyut nadi hanya satu kali, yaitu selama 30 detik dihitung pada menit pertama setelah melakukan naik turun bangku.Untuk menafsirkan hasil tes, dapat menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut :

Norma : [ <49 : Jelek ];[ 50 – 80 : Sedang ];[ >81 : Baik ]