Swimming classes are classes that have special rules for SMK-SMTI Bandar Lampung’s students who followed. Because this class held in outside of the school. For students who taking this class are expected to pay attention of these instructions bellow :

Security Guide :

  1. To maintain security, the students expected not to bring valuables thing while swimming classes. (ex : hand-phone, or accessory, etc)
  2. For students who bring a motorcycle, or other vehicle, expected to add a double safety lock.
  3. You can bring a helmet and everything of value into the pool complex, or may entrust to the pool’s officer.

Safety Guide :

  1. To ensure of student’s safety in swimming classes, expected to comply with safety regulations.
  2. Students are not allowed to run in the swimming pool complex.
  3. Students are prohibited doing another activities outside of supervision and orders by the teacher.

Clothing For Swimming :

  1. While attending swimming classes students are required to wear clothing in accordance with the rules.
  2. For male students are required to wear swimming trunks, or other appropriate form.
  3. For female students are required to wear dark color and polite clothe, or other appropriate form.

Before and After :

  1. Before swimming, advised to do warm-up and stretching. Do a little movement on your neck, shoulders, arms, stomach, thighs, calves, and waist.
  2. Take a sun lotion or another lotion before, to protect your body and skin from UV rays.
  3. After swimming, advice to do a little water activity to cooling down exercise.
  4. Keep shower / take a rinse, to clean up your body from chlorine smell before you go home.
  5. Take skin lotion or another lotion to prevent from faint skin.